The Pearl: Part 1

Once there was a little pearl that always wished that he could see the big world. Though confident he was really frustrated, disappointed, and contemplative. But he kept trying to get out of this dungeon (or at least he thought it was a dungeon).First he grabbed a little stick and pushed hard at the top of the so-called dungeon. But it did not work. But for some reason, the floor started shaking, but he barely noticed. Second, he tried to roll and roll and roll until the friction caused it to open, but it only made him dizzy. After a few more tries, he was ready to give up. But, he accidently dragged down his little feather on the floor of the slimy dungeon. This was a thing that he called his “lucky feather”.As he walked around dragging the feather on the floor, mopping the floor shook again,but harder. And with that the ceiling flung open with a boom!!!


The Pearl: Part 2: The Shark


Math Stories